This paper puts emphasis on the study of Radio Link Control ( RLC) layer which is part of the network communication protocol. 作者主要针对该专用网络分层结构中的重要一层&无线链路控制(RLC)层做了深入的探讨和研究。
The major component parts of a LINK control system are listed below. 的主要组成部分,连接控制系统分列如下。
BMLC basic mode link control. 基本型链路控制规程。
Synchronous data link control [ SDLC] adapter 同步数据链路控制适配器
Basic mode data link control procedure 基本模式数据链控制程序
High level data link control procedure 高级数据传送控制过程
The main work of the base-band process part of the receiver is demodulation and decoding, the link control part does the framing and forwarding. 接收机的基带处理部分主要是解调和译码,链路控制部分组帧和转发。
Information processing systems Data communication High-level data link control procedures Frame structure GB/T7496-1987信息处理系统数据通信高级数据链路控制规程帧结构
Factor Analysis on Competitive Link Control in Power Industry 电力工业中对竞争环节进行管制的因素分析
HDLC is a high level data link control protocol. It's function can be realized by special HDLC processor or FPGA. HDLC(高级数据链路控制)协议的功能可由专用的HDLC处理芯片或FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)实现。
Against the volatile factor in wireless channels, we study the scheme of the logic link control protocol in CDPD systems and introduce the development of the protocol in UNIX operating system based on the object oriented idea. 针对无线信道的不稳定因素,研究了CDPD系统中的逻辑链路控制协议方案,并以面向对象的思想为基础介绍了该协议在UNIX操作系统上的开发。
The communication protocol is designed in term of three layers: Physical Layer, Media Access Control Layer and Logic Link Control Layer. 本通信协议分为物理层、介质访问控制层和逻辑链路控制层三层设计。
Study and Implementation of Logic Link Control in CDPD Systems CDPD系统中逻辑链路控制的研究和实现
This paper introduces the protocols of WATM ( Wireless Asynchronous Transfer Mode), which include those of the physical layer, the medium access control layer, the data link control layer, and the mobile ATM. 介绍了无线异步转移模式(WATM)的各层协议,包括物理层协议、介质访问控制层协议、数据链路控制层协议以及移动ATM协议。
The Analysis of Logical Link Control Protocol in Intelligent Traffic System 智能交通系统中的逻辑链路控制协议分析
The paper presents a set of adaptive forward error correction coding theme and finishes analysis and design for the satellite earth communication control unit in the light of error control coding and decoding principle and corresponding high level data link control. 根据差错控制编译码原理和相应的高级数据链路规程,提出了一套自适应前向纠错编译码方案,同时进行了星地通信控制系统的分析与设计。
Modeling and Simulation of Link Control between Satellites 星间链路监控的建模与仿真
Based on the character of TCP, The article enhances a three-layer net application, which includes the Logical Link Control and Session Layer, to raise the reliability of communication. 该文根据TCP协议的特点,在原有协议的基础上新增了一个三层结构的网络应用层,通过对其中的逻辑链路层和会话层的研究与设计,提高TCP协议通信传输的可靠性。
This literary adopt a High-level Data Link Control protocol ( HDLC) which faces bit, choose the serial communication controller in conformity with it, make HDLC realized conveniently through initializing the hardware. 本文采用面向比特的高级数据链路控制规程,并选择了与之相适应的串行通信控制器,使HDLC可通过硬件的初始化方便地实现。
3G Radio Link Control Strategy Based on Fuzzy Logic 基于模糊逻辑的3G无线链路层控制策略
Logical Link Control Techniques for Wireless ATM Network 无线ATM网络的逻辑链路控制技术
Under the Bluetooth specification framework, strictly conformed the Bluetooth protocol stack architecture, the thesis made a detail analysis of Service Discovery Protocol and Logical Link Control and Adaptive Protocol. 本文在蓝牙技术规范的框架下,结合蓝牙协议的体系结构,重点分析了服务发现协议和逻辑链路控制和适配协议。
Logical Link Control and Adaptation Layer Protocol ( L2CAP) resides in the data link layer of Bluetooth. 逻辑链路控制和适配协议是蓝牙协议栈中数据链路层的一部分。
By the implementation of POS-PHY Level 4 in FPGA, the reliable high-speed transition of multi-channel between a MAC layer device and a logic link control ( LLC) layer device is realized. 在FPGA中实现了POS-PHYLevel4接口,实现了MAC层芯片和逻辑链路层芯片(FPGA)之间的多通道高速数据的可靠传输。
This paper illustrates the intension and extension of the terminology "effective bandwidth" in the context of real-time network accessing control, logic link control and deterministic queuing etc. 文章通过剖析实时计算机网络研究中有效带宽定义的内涵与外延,阐明了它在介质访问仲裁、逻辑链路控制、确定性排队、保证概率排队等应用领域中的意义与用法;
The transmitter does the work of a burst transmission, its encoding and framing are all implemented in the link control part, the base-band process part does the spreading, FIR filtering and up frequency conversion. 发射机实现一个突发传输过程,编码和组帧都在链路控制部分实现,基带处理部分做扩频、FIR滤波和上变频的工作。
Designed and implemented dynamic link control scheme. 完成了动态链接控制的设计与实现。
The system has many technical characteristic, for example network without a centre controller, digital selective-calling, automatic call connection, multi-channel share for multiple access users, disperse Link control. 该系统具有无中心组网、数字选呼、自动接续、多址用户多信道共用、链路分散控制等诸多技术特点,拥有广阔的实际应用前景和深入开发潜力。